Transforming Supports
A community-based research project to make trauma-related mental health support safer and more accessible for trans and gender-diverse people
Project Status:
Report Preparation and Knowledge Sharing
Project Overview
Transforming Supports is a community-based research project that aims to understand how trans and gender-diverse young people experience safety in mental health and trauma support contexts and what their priorities are for research on this topic.
This project seeks to improve mental health services that provide trauma support to trans and gender-diverse people by identifying areas for improvement, barriers to access, and directions for future research that are centred on community needs and priorities.
Ways to Get Involved
Participate in an interview
Share your story about your experience with mental health supports in a confidential interview with trauma-informed interviewer
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Participate in a
community consultation
Share your voice and perspectives for the future of trauma-related mental health care research through a facilitated, in-person, small group discussion
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Become a
community partner
Support the project in your community by raising awareness and/or contributing resources